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 IMPA編號  871801
 產品名稱:  防火膠布
 英文名稱:  Anti-splashing tape
 品牌/產地:  中國
 最低報價:  ¥260元
 備注:  For preventing outbreak of a fire caused by a splash of combustible oil, such as fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc. from oil pipes connected to an engine or a generator in a ship’s engine room. Amended SOLAS regulation -2/15.2.11 stipulate that oil fuel line shall be screened or otherwise suitably protected to avoid as far as practicable oil spray or oil leakage onto hot surfaces, into machinery air intakes, or other sources of ignition. Pipings, valves, pressure gauges, or any other auxiliar

日照市順昌船舶服務有限公司 電話:0633-2278917 手機:13963032071 聯系人:王經理
地址:日照市東港區海濱三路錦華海岸沿街 廣西分公司:防城港春暉國際船務有限公司,電話:0770-2891345, 郵箱:chunhui@impaship.com  ICP備案號:魯ICP備12015469號